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Bobby Bland - Ain't no love in the heart of the city

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Titre : Ain't no love in the heart of the city

Année : 1974

Auteurs compositeurs : Dan Walsh - Michael Price

Pochette : Ken Veeder

Durée : 3 m 47 s

Label : Probe

Référence : 2C 064-95758

Présentation : Extrait de son album "Dreamer"

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Ain't no love in the heart of the city
Ain't no love in the heart of town
Ain't no love and it's sure nuff a pity
Ain't no love cause you ain't around

When you were mine
Oh, I was feeling so good
Cause you love lied up
This whole neighborhood

But now that you're gone
You know the sun don't shine
From the city hall to the county line
That's why I said

Ain't no love in the heart of the city
Ain't no love in the heart of town
Ain't no love and it sure is a pity
Ain't no love cause you ain't around

Every place that I go
Oh, it seems so strange
Without you there

Things have changed

The nights are cold
There's a blanket of gloom
Another teardrop fall
In my lonely room

I said ain't no love
In the heart of the city
Ain't no love in the heart of town
Ain't no love, ain't any pity
Ain't no love cause you ain't around

And now that you're gone
Oh, the sun don't shine
From the city hall to
The county line, I said

Ain't no love in the heart of the city
Ain't no love in the heart of town
Ain't no love, it sure is a pity
Ain't no love cause you ain't around
Cause you ain't around

Ain't no love in the heart of the city
Ain't no love in this great big old town
Ain't no love and ain't it a pity
Ain't no love cause you ain't around

Ain't no love in the heart of the city
Ain't no love in the heart of this town
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1 commentaire
Flaming Youth Le 04/04/2024 à 19:57
Titre repris en 1978 par Whitesnake:

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