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Robert Palmer - Simply irresistible

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Titre : Simply irresistible

Année : 1988

Auteurs compositeurs : Robert Palmer

Durée : 4 m 15 s

Label : EMI-Manhattan

Référence : B-50133

Présentation : Le titre a été parodié par John Mammoser, "My girlfriend is inflatable" et par ApologetiX, "Sin can be resistible".

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[Verse 1]
How can it be permissible?
She compromise my principle, yeah, yeah
That kind of love is mythical
She's anything but typical

She's a craze you'd endorse
She's a powerful force
You're obliged to conform
When there's no other course
She used to look good to me
But now I find her

Simply irresistible
Simply irresistible

[Verse 2]
Her loving is so powerful, huh!
It's simply unavoidable
The trend is irreversible
The woman is invincible

She's a natural law
And she leaves me in awe
She deserves the applause
I surrender because
She used to look good to me
But now I find her

Simply irresistible
Simply irresistible
Simply irresistible
(She's so fine
There's no tellin' where the money went)
Simply irresistible
(She's all mine, there's no other way to go)

She's unavoidable
I'm backed against the wall
She gives me feelings like I never felt before
I'm breaking promises
She's breaking every law
She used to look good to me
Now I find her

Simply irresistible
(She's so fine
There's no tellin' where the money went)
Simply irresistible
(She's all mine, there's no other way to go)

[Verse 3]
Her methods are inscrutable
The proof is irrefutable, (ooh…)
She's so completely kissable, huh
Our lives are indivisible, yeah yeah

She's a craze you'd endorse
She's a powerful force
You're obliged to conform
When there's no other course
She used to look good to me
But now I find her

Simply irresistible
(She's so fine
There's no tellin' where the money went)
Simply irresistible
(She's all mine, there's no other way to go)
Simply irresistible
(She's so fine
There's no tellin' where the money went)
Simply irresistible
(She's all mine, there's no other way to go)

Simply irresistible!
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