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Crocodile Harris - Give me the good news

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Give me the good news

Année : 1982

Auteurs compositeurs : Coxall, McCully

Durée : 4 m 50 s

Label : WEA

Référence : WEA 75.079

Présentation : Adapté en français par Frank Noël, "Donne-moi des nouvelles".

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If we accept the word forever
Maybe we should live together
And not be scared to watch
The late night news
You can't use guns to build a nation
A bullet never was creation

Give, give me the good news
War's the one game where we all lose
Give me the good news

If I accept the word tomorrow
Can I file away my sorrow
And not be scared to watch
The late night news
You can't use force to sell a promise
Dictatorship was never honest

Give, give me the good news
War's the one game where we all lose
Give me the good news

Give, please give me the good news
War's the one game where we all lose
Give me the good news

If I accept the word forever
Maybe we should live together
And not be scared to watch
The late night news
You can't use guns to build a nation
A bullet never was creation

Give, give me the good news
War's the one game where we all lose
Give me the good news

Give, please give me the good news
War's the one game where we all lose
Give me the good news

Give, give me the good news
War's the one game where we all lose
Give me the good news
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