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Chuck Berry - My Mustang Ford

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Titre : My Mustang Ford

Année : 1966

Auteurs compositeurs : Chuck Berry

Durée : 2 m 16 s

Label : Chess

Référence : CRL 4506

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[Verse 1]
I got a 1966 cherry red Mustang Ford
It's got a three hundred and eighty five horsepower over load
You know it's way too fast to be crawling on these interstate roads

[Verse 2]
I broke her in at the airport on a runway at the JFK
I just touched the gas pedal and like to ran off into Jamaica Bay
I had to spin the wheels backwards or the momentum would have carried me away

[Verse 3]
It's getting to be a big problem trying to figure the best possible route
I tried to stop in Indianapolis once and had to back up from Terre Haute
But now I can slow and stop her with my windbreaker parachute
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