Okay, girl, now let's see what you can do
Oh, baby
I feel it now
What, I don't know
But I feel it in my bones
Pardon me, boy
Pardon me, man
Was you with my girl last night?
Yeah, it was me
On a Saturday night?
In the bright moonlight?
Yeah, it was me, alright
I knew it
Pardon me, boy
Pardon me, man
Were you with my girl last night?
Yeah, it was me
On a Saturday night?
It was me, alright
In the bright moonlight?
I saw you
A-huggin' and a-kissin' her with all of your might
A-let me tell you, feller, it was a terrible sight
Sneakin' out with my girl, thinkin' she was your girl
And doin' it, yeah, doin' it
Huggin' and a-kissin' her with all of your might
On a Saturday night in the bright moonlight
There gonna be a certain party there at her house
Oh yeah?
For a certain little mouse
That turned into a louse
Was that you?
There gonna be a certain party there at her house, yeah
But sneakin' out with my girl, thinkin' she was your girl
And doin' it, yeah, doin' it
On a Saturday night in the bright moonlight
Yeah, doin' it
Yeah, boy, you wait until I catch up with you
Oh yeah?
Fellas, get in
We'll do it quick
All right
Pardon me, boy
Pardon me, man
Were you with my girl last night?
Yeah, it was me
On a Saturday night?
In the bright moonlight
Holdin' her tight?
Yeah, it was me
I saw you
A-huggin' and a-kissin' her with all of your might
Let me tell you, feller, it was a terrible sight
Sneakin' out with my girl, thinkin' she was your girl
And doin' it, yeah, doin' it
Huggin' and a-kissin' her with all of your might
On a Saturday night in the bright moonlight
Yeah, doin' it
Boy, you had it
Oh yeah?
What are you gonna do about it?
You wait and find out
I'm waitin'
Boy, the next time I'm gonna be out there
And when I'm gonna get her with my hand you ain't never gonna see it
Is that right?
Transcripteur : Dam-Dam |
Le groupe féminin The Shaggs, originaire de Fremont (New Hampshire), est composé de trois sœurs, Dorothy "Dot" Wiggin (chant et guitare), Betty Wiggin (chant et guitare) et Helen Wiggin (batterie) auxquelles se joint, de temps à autres, Rachel Wiggin (basse).
Elles ont notamment interprété "Philosophy of the world", "It's Halloween", "Shaggs own thing", "Who are parents", "My pale foot foot" ou "You're something special to me".
Les deux chanteurs qui apparaissent sur "Shagg's own thing" sont le jeune frère des sœurs Wiggin, Robert Wiggin et leur père qui était aussi leur manager, Austin Wiggin. Le titre avait été enregistré en 1975, mais le décès d'Austin Wiggin avait compromis la sortie de l'album. Heureusement pour nous, Frank Zappa, le Dr Demento ainsi que Terry Adams et Tom Ardolino, tous deux membres du New Rhythm and Blues Quartet (NRBQ) vont convaincre Rounders records de diffuser le disque.
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