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José Féliciano - Day tripper

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Titre : Day tripper

Interprète : José Feliciano

Année : 1969

Auteurs compositeurs : John Lennon - Paul McCartney

Pochette : Guy Webster

Durée : 3 m 55 s

Label : RCA Victor

Référence : LSP-6021

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Got a good reason
For finding the easy way out
I say now, got a good reason
For finding the easy way out
She was a day tripper, yeah
With a one-way ticket, yeah
It took me so long, so long to find out
But I found out, hey

Well, let me tell y'now
She's a big teaser
Y'know, she took me half the way there
Y'know, she's a big swingin' teaser
Y'know, she took me half the way there
She was a day tripper
Y'know, Sunday driver, yeah
It took me so long, so long to find out
But I found out
Yes, I did

Ah, yeah

Well, I tried to please her
Y'know, she doesn't dig one-night stands
Y'know, I tried to please her
Y'know, she doesn't give one-night stands
She was a day tripper, yeah
With a one-way ticket, yeah
It took me so long, so long to find out
What she was all about, hey yeah

Hey, hey, yeah
She's a day tripper woman
Hey, y'know, she, she took me half the way there
And I was waitin'
And she said, Bye bye bye bye bye
Yeah, y'know, she, she took my money and left me flat broke
She was a day tripper woman
My, my, my, my
I'm gonna play it one time

Baby, yeah
Day tripper woman
She's a day tripper
Hey, mean motorcycle
My, my, my, my, my
She left me by myself
I thought she was a wallflower on the shelf
Hey, y'know she didn't even give me the time of day
Ha, that's all I gotta say
Aw, mmm
My, yeah
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