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The Halos - The nag

Voir du même artiste

Titre : The nag

Année : 1961

Auteurs compositeurs : Crier

Durée : 2 m 49 s

Label : 7 Arts records

Référence : S 709

Présentation : Le disque d'origine n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, la photographie est celle de la compilation parue en 1995 (Collectables ‎– COL-5580)

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Oh baby you're a nag (Nag, naggedy nag)
You're a nag,you're a nag, you're a nag

Would you go do this, and go do that
You're always tellin' me a what to do
I just can't seem to get a rid of you
You order me around just like a slave
You're gonna send me to an early grave
Would you go fix the bacon,go for the cokes
"And rush down to the butcher shop and buy me a roast"

When is the naggin' ever gonna stop
You always seem to be a blowin' your top
One of these days I'm gonna loose my mind
Jump out the window then I'll feel real fine
If you go do this and go do that
And wash up all the dishes and don't talk back

When I married you,you were so sweet
Now you give me the bread and take all the meat
You're always screamin' a hollerin' loud
I'm gonna buy me a ticket to the nearest cloud

I don't know what to do you make me mad
And when I leave this place I'll sure be glad
You're workin' me a just a just a like a horse I guess you think you must be my boss
With a go do this and go do that, nag

When I married you,you were so sweet
Now you give me the bread and take all the meat
You're always screamin' a hollerin' loud
I'm gonna buy me a ticket to the nearest cloud

I don't know what to do you make me mad
And when I leave this place I'll sure be glad
You're workin' me a just a just a like a horse I guess you think you must be my boss
With a go do this and go do that, nag

Transcripteur : Dam-Dam
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3 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Trocol Harum Le 23/02/2020 à 20:30
Les Halos sont un groupe originaire du Bronx formé de Al Cleveland, J.R. Bailey, Harold Johnson et d Arthur Crier. Leur premier disque "L-O-V-E" était sorti sous leur nom de Craftys mais c'est avec The nag qu'il atteindront la célébrité.

Dam-Dam Le 23/02/2020 à 22:06
The lyrics :

Simon.P Le 24/02/2020 à 12:22
Voici la pochette originale:

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