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Break this, break that, don't break this heart in me
Come, I need you girl, you are my reality
Come be my lover with your warm body
My raggamuffin heart feel so lonely
Bee bop balooba my brain make boom
I'm sittin' all alone
I hope you come back soon
I love you I want you my girl yes I do
All that I want is you that's true
No more, no more I can't stand it,
No more, no more
No more, no more I can't stand it,
No more, no more
He said : I'm gonna take you high,
Gonna take you low
Gonna take you everywhere I go
Gonna take you high
Gonna take you low
But I can't stand it no, no more
No, no more (x 3)
It's a love raggalove, what is my destiny
Come, squeeze me tight and make feel irie
Don't make me feel like I'm nobody
Let the rhythm of your heart beat for Gary B.
Bee bop balooba my brain make boom
I feel like I'm lost with no headroom
I miss it to kiss it my girl yes I do
All that I want is you that's true
Is it what you like, what you want, what you're fighting for,
Or is it more ?
Is it what you like, what you want, what you're fighting for ?
No, no, no more !
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
[Merci pour les paroles !]
Pas du tout similaire à leur premier titre, Get a way… mais alors pas du tout…
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