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Pinkard and Bowden - Libyan on a jet plane

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Titre : Libyan on a jet plane

Année : 1989

Auteurs compositeurs : Pinkard, Bowden, Jim Ed Norman

Durée : 1 m 52 s

Label : Warner Bros.

Référence : 7-22987

Présentation : Parodie de la chanson de John Denver, "Leaving on a Jetplane".

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There's so many times we've crashed and burned,
Seems like the colonel would finally learn
Our Russian jets don't make good submarines.
We fly out to protect our nation,
And use seat bottoms for floatation.
The water's warm, and we're good swimmers too.

So kiss me and smile for me,
Call my folks in Tripoli,
Tell them that Khadafi made me go.
I'm a Libyan on a jet plane,
I don't know if I'll be back again.
Muammar, I hate to go.

Aircraft carrier J.F.K.
Come to blow our chemical plant away,
But we keep telling them it's just pharmaceutical.

So miss me and pray for me,
Bow down to the East for me,
Kneel and gently kiss my butt good-bye.
I'm a Libyan on a jet plane,
Don't know if I'll be back again.
Libyan on a jet plane,
Don't know if I'll be back again.
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