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James Barton - Wand'rin' star

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Titre : Wand'rin' star

Année : 1951

Auteurs compositeurs : Lerner, Loewe

Durée : 2 m 29 s

Label : RCA Victor

Référence : WOC 6

Présentation : Le titre provenant de la comédie musicale "Paint your wagon" a été repris par Lee Marvin, pour le film, et adapté en français par les Compagnons de la Chanson et par Gilles Marchal, "Etoile filante".

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I was born under a wand'rin' star
I was born under a wand'rin' star

Staying put can kill ya
Standing still's a curse
But to settle down can drive ya mad
But moving on is worse
I was born under a wand'rin' star

Now, when I learned to talk
The word they taught me was "goodbye"
That and where's your hat will do
Until the day I die
Aching for the stop and always aching for the go
Searching, but for what I never will know

I was born under a wand'rin' star
I was born under a wand'rin' star

Now when I get to heaven
Tie me to a tree
Or I'll begin to roam
And soon you know where I will be

I was born under a wand'rin' star
A wand'rin', wand'rin' star

Now, when I learned to talk
The word they taught me was "goodbye"
That and where's your hat will do
Until the day I die
Aching for the stop and always aching for the go
Searching, but for what I never will know

I was born under a wand'rin' star
A wand'rin', wand'rin' star
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