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Seen the carnival at Rome
Had the women and I had the booze
All that I can remember now
Is little kids without no shoes
So I saw that train and I got on it
With a heart full of hate and a lust for vomit
Now I'm walking on
The sunnyside of the street
Stepped over bodies in Bombay
Tried to make it to the USA
Ended up in Nepal
Up on the roof with nothing at all
And I knew that day
I was going to stay right where I am
On the sunnyside of the street
Been in a palace, been in a jail
I just don't want to be reborn a snail
I just want to spend eternity right where I am
On the sunnyside of the street
As my mother wept, it was then I swore
To take my life as I would a whore
I know I'm better than before
I will not be reconstructed
Just wanna stay right here
On the sunnyside of the street
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