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The Characters - Bon voyage Titanic

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Titre : Bon voyage Titanic

Interprète : Sherman & Larsen

Année : 1964

Auteurs compositeurs : Sherman & Larsen

Durée : 1 m 40 s

Label : PIP Records

Référence : PLP 1900

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Bon voyage to you new Titanic
You're the greatest ship on the sea
Bon voyage to you new Titanic
Say hello to the Statue of Liberty

To wish you a safe crossing is unthinkable
We know at what you're costing you're unsinkable
So bon voyage to you new Titanic
You're the greatest ship on the blue
Bon voyage to you new Titanic
And your happy passengers and crew

You're the greatest ship on the sea

Say hello to the Statue of Liberty

The fastest ship to ever cross the deep blue sea
Your maiden voyage will go down in history
So bon voyage to you new Titanic
You're the greatest ship on the blue
Bon voyage to you new Titanic
As we're lucky to be sailing with you

Transcripteur : Robin Fusée
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 09/04/2020 à 13:02
Derrière les Characters se cachent Richard M. Sherman et Milt Larsen accompagnés par le David Jackson Agggravation (avec trois "g").
Le 10 avril 1912, le Titanic, fleuron de la White Star Line, quittait le port de Southampton pour un voyage inaugural censé le conduire à New York mais qui se termina au bout de quatre jours.
Au verso du disque, il est inscrit ceci :
"On April 10, 1912, the RMS Titanic, the largest luxury liner afloat, left Southampton, England on her maiden voyage to New York. The White Star Line had spared no expense. She was touted as the safest ship ever built. If not for that unexpected encounter with an iceberg, this song might have been the smash good-bye ditty of the new century. It was a disaster when that mighty ship sank. It was also a disaster for this song. You might say: It went down with the ship."

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