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Mrs. Miller - Theme from Mary Jane

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Theme from Mary Jane

Année : 1967

Auteurs compositeurs : Valjean Johns - Guy Hemric

Durée : 2 m 2 s

Label : Sidewalk

Référence : T 5911

Présentation : Extrait de la bande originale du film de Maury Dexter MaryJane, un drame sur la drogue. On s'interroge tout de même sur l'intention artistique derrière ce morceau (une scène de bad trip ?).

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She's not a new girl in town
And you knew she's been around
You met her on a rainy day
And she makes the clouds go away

Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane

She brought you a thrill that's new
But they say she's not for you
Though at the time she fills the need
Oh, where can this … lead?

Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane

Can anyone believe her?
Some take her, some leave her
Whether right or whether wrong
Mary Jane, where do you belong?

Don't let youself hit the sky
Her eyes can linger by
Until you know that she's for you
Go slow and to yourself be true

Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane

Can anyone believe her?
Some take her, some leave her
Whether right or whether wrong
Mary Jane, where do you belong?

Don't let youself hit the sky
Her eyes can linger by
Until you know that she's for you
Go slow and to yourself be true

Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane
Mary Jane, Mary Jane, Mary Jane (ad lib.)
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1 commentaire
kaptain_kirk Le 15/05/2024 à 16:41
Si le film est à la hauteur de sa BO, ça promet …

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