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Mick Harvey & Anita Lane - Ford Mustang

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Ford Mustang

Interprète : Mike Harvey

Année : 1995

Auteurs compositeurs : Serge Gainsbourg, Mike Harvey

Pochette : Katy Beale

Durée : 2 m 17 s

Label : Mute

Référence : CDSTUMM144

Présentation : Adaptation de la chanson de Serge Gainsbourg

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Your mind goes blank in a
Ford Mustang, bang
You're embracing the petrol tank
Mus - on the left
Tang - on the right
And all over the site

A windscreen wiper
A packet of - Cool Badge
With the inscription - Keep Cool
A bar of chocolate
A Coca Cola

Your mind goes blank in a
Ford Mustang, bang
You're embracing the petrol tank
Mus - on the left
Tang - on the right
And all over the site

A bottle of - fluid make-up
A - flash
A - brown
A guitar - pickup
Collected works of - Edgar Allen Poe
A plain brass - Zippo

Your mind goes blank in a
Ford Mustang, bang
You're embracing the petrol tank
Mus - on the left
Tang - on the right
And all over the site

An edition of - Superman
Stuff from the house of - Paco Rabanne
A photo of - Marilyn
A pack of - Aspirin

Your mind goes blank in a
Ford Mustang, bang
You're embracing the petrol tank
Mus - on the left
Tang - on the right
And to the left and the right
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