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[Verse 1: Choir]
The first thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Is finding a Christmas tree
[Verse 2: Choir, Angry husband]
The second thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree
[Verse 3: Choir, Hungover man, Angry husband]
The third thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree
[Verse 4: Choir, Exhausted man, Hungover man, Angry husband]
The fourth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Sending Christmas cards
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree
[Verse 5: Choir, Exhausted man, Hungover man, Angry husband]
The fifth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me
Five months of bills!
Sending Christmas cards
Rigging up the lights
And finding a Christmas tree
[Verse 6: Choir, Nervous wife, Exhausted man, Hungover man, *Angry husband*]
The sixth thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:
Facing my in-laws
Five months of bills!
Oh, I hate those Christmas cards!
*Rigging up these lights!*
And finding a Christmas tree
[Verse 7: Choir, Nervous wife's husband, Nervous wife, Exhausted man, *Hungover man*, **Angry husband**]
The seventh thing at Christmas that's such a pain to me:
The Salvation Army
Facing my in-laws
Five months of bills!
Sending Christmas cards
*Oh, geez!*
**I'm tryin' to rig up these lights!**
And finding a Christmas tree
[Verse 8: Choir, Kid, Nervous wife's husband, Exhausted man, *Hungover man*, **Angry husband**]
The eighth thing at Christmas that such a pain to me:
Charities, and whataya mean "YOUR in-laws"?!?
Five months of bills!
Oh, making out these cards
*Eh, could you get me a beer, huh?*
**What, we have no extension cords?!?**
And finding a Christmas tree
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