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Eric Clapton - After midnight

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Titre : After midnight

Année : 1970

Auteurs compositeurs : J. J. Cale

Durée : 3 m 8 s

Label : Polydor

Référence : 2001 096

Présentation : Reprise de la chanson de J. J. Cale, "After midnight".

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After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down
After midnight, we're going to chug-a-lug and shout
We're going to stimulate some action
We're going to get some satisfaction
We're going to find out what it is all about
After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to shake your tambourine
After midnight, it's all going to be peaches and cream
We're going to cause talk and suspicion
We're going to give an exhibition
We're going to find out what it is all about
After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down
After midnight, we're going to shake your tambourine
After midnight, it's all going to be peaches and cream
We're going to because talk and suspicion
We're going to give an exhibition
We're going to find out what it is all about
After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down

After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down
After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down
After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down
After midnight, we're going to let it all hang down
After midnight
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