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Présentation : Parodie de la chanson "Jackson" du Kingston Trio et qui sera ultérieurement reprise par Johnny Cash et June Carter ainsi que par Nancy Sinatra et Lee Hazlewood.
Cledus T. Judd remplace la ville, imaginaire, de Jackson citée dans la chanson originale par le chanteur américain de country Alan Jackson. On reste évidemment dans le milieu de la musique country.
Well, I start runnin' a fever
Every time he opens his mouth
She's been gawkin' at Jackson
Ever since his first song came out
Oh, she loves Alan Jackson
And his pretty blonde hair
Oh, I love Alan Jackson
I ain't got a prayer
Well, he tried dressin' like Jackson
Belt buckles, boots, and a hat
She said,
"Sorry hon, that won't help you none
Because you're just too dang fat."
Oh, I hate Alan Jackson
She sleeps with a piece of his coat
Oh, I love Alan Jackson
'Cause of them songs he wrote
Well, I went backstage at his concert
I got on his bus somehow
That big talkin' man and his little five piece band
Just taught her what I didn't know how
Gosh, I hate Alan Jackson
Now I'm his openin' act
Oh, I love Alan Jackson
She's never comin' back
…She loves you man!
Oh, I start runnin' a fever
Every time he opens his mouth
She's been gawkin' at Jackson
Ever since his first song came out
Oh, she loves Alan Jackson
Makes me want to cuss
Oh, he hates Alan Jackson
Think I'll blow up his bus
Someday I'll Rock His Jukebox!
No You're not!
Ha! Might hit him with a Tall, Tall, Tree!
Well, he just might hit you back!
Well, I tell you what!
I'll show him The Real World!
He'll think Real World when they find him way down yonder in the bottom of the Chattahoochie!
Oh yeah! He just might run ya over with his Mercury!
I tell ya what, tell him to meet me somewhere!
Hey Hoss, meet him at Midnight In Montgomery!
Wanted, my life back!
Who Says You Can't Have It All?
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