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Clio & Kay - Keep on dancing

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Titre : Keep on dancing

Année : 1989

Auteurs compositeurs : Clio - Kay Ferrante - R. Arduini

Durée : 4 m 26 s

Label : Palace Records / ZYX Records

Référence : CD 8901 / ZYX 6134-12 (maxi)

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Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing
Dancing Dancing Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing
Dancing Dancing Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing
Dancing Dancing Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing

Just keep on dancing to the beat
And love it, baby
Just keep on dancing baby
Through the night
Just keep on dancing down the street
So make it baby
We can be together tonight

My name is C-L-I-O, here we go
We'll make you dancing, baby
All over the floor
And if you feel down, honey
Don't sink on the chair
Forget about the rules
And keep being aware
So get on out there
Dancin' and bein' cool
Come on, baby, don't break the rule
We're gonna reach you out on the radio
And when we got you, baby
We won't let you go

So come and get it, just break it down
Stop wasting time, stop fooling around
Because you have to get up and dance
Come on, baby, just take the chance

I've got to tell you, honey
I'll rock the mike
And so you can be sure
I'll make you feel alright
Everybody, get down
And keep dancing around

Just keep on dancing to the beat
And love it, baby
Just keep on dancing, baby
Through the night
Just keep on dancing down the street
So make it, baby
We can be together tonight

Now we're the rappers, baby
And we're the best
You got to get up, don't need to rest
You need a hot tub, baby, some energy
I'll make you want to sing
'cause I don't want you to leave
So get on out there
Dancin' into the night
Come on, honey, you will feel alright
Because we need somebody to stay in tune
We never could have made it without you

So have a break in stereo
And if you feel bad, honey
Don't let it show
We gotta rock all night long
So now, baby, you've got to be strong

I've got to tell you, honey
I'll rock the mike
And so you can be sure
I'll make you feel alright
Everybody, get down
And keep dancing around

Just keep on dancing to the beat
And love it, baby
Just keep on dancing, baby
Through the night
Just keep on dancing down the street
So make it, baby
We can be together tonight

Just keep on dancing to the beat
And love it, baby
Just keep on dancing, baby
Through the night
Just keep on dancing down the street
So make it, baby
We can be together tonight

So come on, baby, you've got to go
Just make it up on the floor
Because you have to get up and dance
Come on, honey, just take the chance

I've got to tell you, honey
I'll rock the mike
And so you can be sure
I'll make you feel alright
Everybody, get down
And keep dancing around

Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing
Danc-Danc-Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing
Danc-Danc-Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing
Danc-Danc-Dancing to the beat, Oh, Dancing

So have a break in stereo
And if you feel bad, honey
Don't let it show
We gotta rock all night long
So now, baby, you've got to be strong
I've got to tell you, honey
I'll rock the mike
And so you can be sure
I'll make you feel alright
Everybody, get down
And keep dancing around

Just keep on dancing to the beat
And love it, baby
Just keep on dancing, baby
Through the night
Just keep on dancing down the street
So make it, baby
We can be together tonight

Just keep on dancing to the beat
And love it, baby
Just keep on dancing, baby
Through the night
Just keep on dancing down the street
So make it, baby
We can be together tonight
(Ad lib.)

Transcripteur : mds75
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Voir tous les commentaires

8 commentaires
Helloween Le 18/04/2002 à 18:12
On dirait du Madonna (Holiday)mais avec 6 ans de retard !
bigben974 Le 10/02/2004 à 17:51
Moi je dirais que ca ressemble a du Madonna (Into the Groove).
kijkeens Le 16/08/2004 à 14:51
elles avaient fait un autre tube si je me souviens bien "just let go" ah non c'etait "street groove" qui chantait "just let go" à la meme époque je m'en souviens plus
Claude Anglois Le 30/06/2005 à 12:23
Le rap mélangé avec l'Italo n'est pas souvent une bonne idée, mais ici ça marche plutôt bien, malgré le prononciation - "dancing to the bit"!
Doc Frank N. Stein Le 01/09/2005 à 17:38
Ref: 89 Palace records cd 8901. Et elles avaient bien chanté "street groove" (90 Carrere 15 046) [Merci]
Airtime Le 22/11/2006 à 17:33
Auteurs: Clio, K. Bianco, R. Ferrante si je ne me trompe. Le "K" étant celui de Kay ;) Roberto Ferrante étant le producteur et compositeur.
jbburrion Le 14/04/2010 à 23:39
"dancingueu to the bitteu". Viva Italia !
vvfd Le 12/12/2024 à 23:33
Le clip, copier coller des techniques à la mode des clips de l'époque, le rap est aussi dans les images. Certainement qu'il y en a qui aiment ou a minima ont trouvé l'idée bonne.

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