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Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
I hope and I pray that I stay with you
In everything that you do
Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
The most important thing in life
Is to prevent trouble and strife
To live in love
Is a blessing from above
Ah, It's the name of the game
I've got to say it
Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
I hope and I pray that I stay with you
In everything that you do
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
Say we got to try and make it work
Now, now, now
Helping out countries out of the dirt
To live in love
Is a blessing from above
Iah, it's the name of the game
I've got to say
Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
Love, peace and happiness to you
(Love, peace and happiness gonna make the world progress)
Love, love love
(Ad lib)
Transcripteur : Robin Fusée
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.
Voir tous les commentaires
1 commentaire
CortiLe 08/10/2012 à 11:04
Apres avoir fait l'apologie des sports de combat le voila maintenant vantant la non violence. Ce mec là à retourné sa chemise.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !
Apres avoir fait l'apologie des sports de combat le voila maintenant vantant la non violence. Ce mec là à retourné sa chemise.
Il faut être identifié pour ajouter un commentaire !