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The Irish Rebels - Johnston's motor car

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Titre : Johnston's motor car

Année : 1971

Auteurs compositeurs : Gillespie

Durée : 2 m 59 s

Label : Release records

Référence : BRL 413

Présentation : La présence de ce titre dans la base est due à son adaptation en français par Renaud.

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As down by Brockagh Corner, one morning I did stray
I met another rebel lad who this to me did say:
"I bear orders from the captain to assemble at Drumbar"
But how were we to get there without a motor car?

"Oh Barney dear, be of good cheer, I'll tell you what we'll do
The loyalists have plenty, although we have but few
I'll wire to Stranorlar before we march so far
And we'll give the boys a jolly good ride in Johnston's motor car"

Johnston got the wire, he soon pulled on his shoes
He said "this case is urgent, there is no time to lose"
He wore a fancy castor hat and on his breast a star
You could hear the din going through Glenfin
Of Johnston's motor car

When he reached the Reelin Bridge, he met some rebels there
He knew the game was up with him, as at him they did stare
He says "I've got a permit to travel here so far"
"You can keep your English permit, we want your motor car"
"What will my loyal comrades say when I get to Drumboe?
To say my car was commandeered by rebels from Dungloe?"
"We'll give you a receipt for her, it's signed by Captain Maher
And when Ireland's free, well then we'll see
To Johnston's motor car"
Paroles en attente d'une autorisation des ayants droit.
Nous nous engageons à en retirer l'affichage en cas de demande de leur part.


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