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Jane Fonda - Warm up "Can you feel it"

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Titre : Warm up "Can you feel it"

Année : 1982

Auteurs compositeurs : Michael Jackson - Jermaine Jackson

Pochette : The Workout Inc.

Durée : 4 m

Label : CBS

Référence : A 2567

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Can you feel it,
Can you feel it,
To start the workout we're gonna begin with the warmup. Stand with your feet a little more than hip distance apart, stomach pulled in bodic's tight, and start with headrolls. To the right and back and left, forward, head right, back, left, forward, now reverse, head back, right, forwards, head left and back, right, forward, now shoulders lifts right, lift and left, lift and right
Can you feel it

If you look around
The whole world is coming togheter now, baby
(bon là j'ai la flemme de retranscrire exactement, faut lever les épaules, la droite puis la gauche, dix fois, en continuant à faire rouler la tête dans tous les sens)
Can you feel it,
Can you feel it,
Now in hell open your arms to the side, excel and raise them over your head, now reach with the right on lift, stretch, right, left, stretch…
Can you feel it
Feel it in the air,
The wind is taking it everywhere, yeah
Can you feel it,
(On continue : roulements de tête droite gauche avant arrière en montant les épaules et en étendant les bras opposés en rythme. Le tout jusque à dix)
Can you feel it,
Can you feel it
All the colors of the world should be
Lovin' each other wholeheartedly
Yes, it's all right
Take my message to your brother
And tell him twice
Spread the word and try to teach the man
Who's hating his brother,
When hate won't do, ooh
'Cause we're all the same, yes
The blood inside of me is inside of you
Now, tell me
Can you feel it,
Tell me Can you feel it,
Can you feel it, oh
Now open your arms to the side 2 ,3 ,4, now box, flat back straight legs, grab your hankles, now bent your knees
When you see it´s going down
Can you see it in your bones?
Can´t you feel it, yeah
Yeah, yeah, oh
(résumé des opérations : tout en tournant la tête, on lève les épaules, on étend les bras, on tend les jambes le dos plat on atrappe ses chevilles en pliant les genoux les jambes tendues, on remonte les genoux jusque aux fesses on descent les omoplates aux chevilles et on compte jusque à dix)
(swing through one, swing through two…)
Every breath you take
Is someone's death in another place
(Another place)
Every healthy smile
Is hunger and strife to another child
(Another child)
But the stars do shine
In promising salvation, is near this time
(Near this time)
Can you feel it now
(hand flats on the floor, straight your legs, I want your hands in front of you, grab your toes, 1, 2.3…)
So brothers and sisters show me know how
Now, tell me
Can you feel it,
Tell me can you feel it,
Can you feel it hey hey
Talk to your self now
This feeling is going down
Open up your mind
Can you feel it,
Can you feel it
All the children in the world should be
Loving each other wholeheartedly
Yes, it's all right
Take my message to your brother
And tell him twice
Take the news to the marching men
Who are killing their brothers
When death won't do, ooh
Yes we're all the same
Yes, the blood inside of my vain is inside of you
Now, tell me
(On étend les genoux sur les pieds, on agite la tête en haussant les épaules, on s'agrippe les orteils avec les dents, on ramène les fesse sur la poitrine en étendant les bras, on sautille sur place en cadence et avec un sourire dé-ten-du sur le visage, les mains bien à plat par terre et les coudes en l'air, et un deux et trois en rythme cinq six sept huit toutes réclamations devront être adressées à Mme Fonda, moi je n'ai fait que retranscire fidèlement !)
Can you feel it,
Can you feel it,
Can you feel it
Can you
Can you
(Can you feel it)
(Can you feel it)
(Can you feel it)

Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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Voir tous les commentaires

4 commentaires (dont 2 archivés)
vvfd Le 11/11/2007 à 22:05
Ben pour passer a l'aperobic c'est quand qu'on se rince le siphon dans cette chanson ?
cyrilight Le 05/08/2021 à 12:57
Jermain ça prends pas un (e) ? [si, corrigé]

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