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There he stood in the street
Smiling from his head to his feet
I said “Hey, what is this?
Now baby, maybe, maybe he's in need of a kiss”
I said “Hey, what's your name baby
Maybe we can see things the same
Now don't you wait or hesitate
Let's move before they raise the parking rate”
All right now baby, it's all right now
All right now baby, it's all right now
I took him home to my place
Watching every move on his face
He said “Look, what's your game baby
Are you trying to put me in shame?”
I said “Slow, don't go so fast
Don't you think that love can last?”
He said “Love, lord above
Now you're trying to trick me in love”
All right now baby, it's all right now
All right now baby, it's all right now
I've been around too long
Looking for a man that's strong
Watching every move on
Someone that I can see
I've been here every day
Someone who'll be with me
And share
All right now baby, it's all right now
All right now baby, it's all right now
(Ad lib.)
Transcripteur : mds75
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