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Mama Cass Elliot - Make your own kind of music (Beautiful thing)

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Titre : Make your own kind of music (Beautiful thing)

Année : 1969

Auteurs compositeurs : Barry Mann - Cynthia Weil

Pochette : Chris Seager

Durée : 2 m 26 s

Label : Biem / Universal

Référence : 982 754-3 (compilation CD)

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Nobody can tell ya
There's only one song worth singin'
They may try and sell ya
'cause it hangs them up
To see somone like you

But you've gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music even if nobody
Else sing along

You're gonna be knowing
The loneliest kind of lonely
It may be rough goin'
Just to do your thing's
The hardest thing to do

But you've gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music even if nobody
Else sings along

So if you cannot take my hand
And if you must be goin'
I will understand

You gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music even if nobody
Else sings along

You gotta make your own kind of music
Sing your own special song
Make your own kind of music even if nobody
Else sings along
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3 commentaires
Petitcurieux Le 21/01/2010 à 18:46
Extrait de la BOF "Beautiful thing" (1996)
serval100 Le 21/01/2010 à 19:51
Et aussi chanson introductrice de la saison 2 de Lost :)
Dr Schnock Le 27/01/2010 à 22:27
C'est la "Mama" qui chantait California Dreaming avec les "Papas", respect.

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