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Bad Company - Bad Company

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Bad Company

Année : 1974

Auteurs compositeurs : Paul Rodgers - Simon Kirke

Pochette : Jill Furmanovsky - Hipgnosis

Durée : 4 m 46 s

Label : Island Records

Référence : 9101 636

Présentation : Extrait de l'album du même nom, leur premier.

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Se procurer ce disque via CDandLP.com:


Company, always on the run
Destiny is a rising sun
I was born a six-gun in my hand
Behind a gun I make my final stand
That's why they call me

Bad company, I can't deny
Bad company, 'til the day I die
Oh, 'Til the day I die
'Til day I die

Rebel souls, deserters we are called
Chose a gun and threw away the song
Now these towns, they all know our names
Six-gun sound is our claim to fame
I can hear them say

Bad company and I won't deny
Bad, bad company 'til the day I die
Oh yeah
'Til the day I die, ooh

Hey, hey, hey
Bad company, I can't deny
Bad company 'til the day I die
What'd I say now?
Is bad company
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Bad company 'til the day I die
Whoa yes

Said I'm young and I'm free
Oh, but I'm-a bad company
That's the way I play, yeah
Dirty for dirty
Oh, somebody double-cross me
Double-cross for double-cross
Yeah, we're bad company
Oh, the cold wind blowing
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2 commentaires
morphee Le 14/05/2024 à 19:00
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Trocol Harum Le 15/05/2024 à 03:58
Une parodie religieuse a été interprétée par ApologetiX, "That's unbelief".

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