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Antonio Fargas - It's Christmas

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Titre : It's Christmas

Année : 1980

Auteurs compositeurs : E.A. Nieuwstede / S.Schellekens / J.Booper

Durée : 2 m 47 s

Label : Fleet

Référence : 102.421

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Hello Everybody, this is Santa Klaus, wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy, happy new year ! From Huggy Bear I wish every mother, every father, every little boy and girl a merry Christmas. Merry Christmas everybody, and a happy, happy new year !

All through the year we waited
All through the year we've worked
All through this year we've prayed so hard
To see this day oh lord

It's christmas, it's christmas, have a happy happy time
It's christmas, it's christmas, have a very merry time
It's christmas, it's christmas, have a happy happy time
It's christmas, it's christmas, have a very merry time

Merry Christmas everybody, and a happy, happy new year !

(reprise du couplet et du refrain)

It's christmas ! (ad lib)

Merry Christmas everybody, and a happy, happy new year. From Antonio Fargas, Huggy Bear…

Transcripteur : hre mgbye
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2 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
Normand-Lamour Le 01/12/2006 à 15:40
Mais… C'est Huggy les bons tuyaux !

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