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ApologetiX - Eve looks back

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Titre : Eve looks back

Année : 2019

Auteurs compositeurs : John Jackson, Stevie Nicks

Durée : 3 m 17 s

Label : Parodudes

Référence : 680057

Présentation : Parodie religieuse de la chanson de Fleetwood Mac, "Landslide".

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[Verse 1]
I took one look, took it down
Bite an apple and it turns to brown
And I saw my deception and there's no cover here
And at last pride brought me down

[Verse 2]
Oh, we weren't meant to die but it's rough
Can the child within me now rise above?
Can I say things to change him so he'll thrive?
Can I handle when I see him fuss and cry-y-y-y--y-y-y-y-y?
Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm

[Chorus 1]
Well, I've been pregnant lately
And I'm thrilled my child's about due
But time takes its toll there
We've had children get older
And I'm missin' Abel, too

[Guitar Solo]

[Chorus 2]
Well, I've been pregnant lately
And I'm thrilled my child's about due
But time takes its toll there
We've had children get older
And I'm missin' both them, too
Oh, I'm missin' both them two

[Verse 3]
Ah ah – may my son make You proud
I-I'll try to help with man's turnaround
And if we'll still find redemption
Then there's hope comin' here
With the man-child You'll bring me now

And if we'll still find redemption
Then there's hope comin' here
With the man-child You'll bring me now
Oh oh-oh – the man-child You'll bring me now
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