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Sparks - This town ain't big enough for the both of us

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Titre : This town ain't big enough for the both of us

Année : 1974

Auteurs compositeurs : Ron Mael - Russell Mael

Pochette : Karl Stoecker - Nicholas De Ville / Ron Mael

Durée : 3 m 6 s

Label : Island Records

Référence : 9101 632

Présentation : Extrait de l'album "Kimono my House" et grand classique du glam rock.

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Zoo time is she and you time
The mammals are your favourite type, and you want her tonight
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
You hear the thunder of stampeding rhinos, elephants and tacky tigers
This town ain't big enough for the both of us!
And it ain't me who's gonna leave!

Flying, domestic flying
And when the stewardess is near, do not show any fear
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
You are a khaki-coloured bombardier
It's Hiroshima that you're nearing
This town ain't big enough for both of us!
And it ain't me who's gonna leave!

Daily, except for Sunday
You dawdle in to the café where you meet her each day
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
As 20 cannibals have hold of you
They need their protein just like you do
This town ain't big enough for the both of us!
And it ain't me who's gonna leave!

Shower, another shower
You got to look your best for her, and be clean everywhere
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
The rain is pouring on the foreign
Town, the bullets cannot cut you down
This town ain't big enough for the both of us!
And it ain't me who's gonna leave!

Census, the latest census
There'll be more girls who live in town, though not enough to go round
Heartbeat, increasing heartbeat
You know that this town isn't big enough
Not big enough for both of us!
This town isn't big enough
Not big enough for both of us
And I ain't gonna leave!
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1 commentaire
morphee Le 26/10/2021 à 19:00
Comme l'avait souligné un autre admin de ce site, jusqu'à ce jour, les Sparks avaient beaucoup de titres présents sur ce site mais, curieusement, aucun de leur période faste glam rock des années 1970. Ce titre, qui est leur plus gros succès et qui a toutes les qualités requises pour le programme seventies, est également sorti en 45 tours en France sous la référence 6138 044 avec une pochette rouge et la photo des 5 membres (car à l'origine le groupe n'était pas que composé des frères Mael)… mais je préfère la pochette de l'album!
Une version acoustique existe sur la face B du 45 tours "Change" (1985).

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