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Jimmy Cross - I want my baby back

Voir du même artiste

Titre : I want my baby back

Année : 1965

Auteurs compositeurs : Botkin-Gardfield

Durée : 3 m 19 s

Label : Tollie records

Référence : T9039

Présentation : Le disque original n'ayant pas de pochette cartonnée, la photographie est celle de la réédition, en 1978, par Wanted records (Cult 45.101)

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I want my Baby back
Got to have my Baby back
I miss her oh so much
Can't live without her touch

I don't hardly know where to begin
I remember we were cruising home from the Beatles concert
I'd had such a wonderful evening sitting there
Watching my Baby screaming and tearing her hair out and carrying on
She was so full of life

Well we were about three miles from home
When all of a sudden it started to rain
And I do mean rain
I couldn't hardly see nothing
Well we kept driving for about another mile
When all of a sudden
I see this stalled car right smack in front of me
Well I wasn't about to slam on the brakes
Cause I didn't have none to start to with
So I swerved to the left and what do I see?
Some mush-head on a motorcycle heading right at us
And I knew at last me and my baby were about to meet
The Leader of the

Well when I come to I looked around
And there was the Leader
And there was the Pack
And over there was my baby
And over there was my baby
And way over there was my baby

I want my baby back
Got to have my baby back
I miss her oh so much
Can't live without her touch

It's been many months now since that fateful night
And you know something, I've tried
Believe me I have tried
But I just can't make it without my Baby
So I've decided I'm going to have back
One way or another
Oh Baby, I dig you so much
Hot dang. Pay dirt

I got my Baby back
Now I got my Baby back
I love her oh so much
Can't live without her touch
I got my Baby back
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1 commentaire
Trocol Harum Le 10/03/2019 à 20:30
Jimmy Cross (ou Jimmie), né le 17 novembre 1938 et décédé prématurément le 8 octobre 1978, est un animateur et producteur d'émissions radio et aussi chanteur proche du Dr Demento (Barret Eugene "Barry" Hansen) et de Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels).
Dans ce titre Jimmy Cross se moque de la mode des chansons surnommées "Teenage death Records" comme "Last Kiss" par J. Frank Wilson and the Cavaliers, "Black denim trousers and motorcycle boots" des Cheers ou "Leader of the pack" des Shangri-Las.
Jimmy Cross est aussi l'interprète des chansons "The ballad of James Bong", "Hey little girl" ou "Super duper man".

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