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Eric Cartman & Marc Shaiman - Kyle's mom's a bitch

Voir du même artiste

Titre : Kyle's mom's a bitch

Interprète : Eric Cartman

Année : 1999

Auteurs compositeurs : Trey Parker / Marc Shaiman

Pochette : Trey Parker - Matt Stone

Durée : 1 m 15 s

Label : Atlantic

Référence : 7567-83199-2

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Cartman : You guys, this is all Kyle's mom's fault.
Kyle : Shut up Cartman !
Cartman : Kyle's mom is the one that started that damn club all because she's a big fat stupid b…
Kyle : Don't say it Cartman !
Kyle : Don't do it Cartman !
Kyle : I'm warning you !
Cartman : Ok ok
Kyle : I'm getting pretty sick of him calling my mom a…

Cartman : WEEELL Kyle mom's a bitch
She's a big fat bitch
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
She's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch
She's a bitch to all the boys and girls


Cartman : On monday she's a bitch
On tuesday she's a bitch
On wednesday through saturday she's a bitch
Then on sunday just to be different she's a super King Kamehameha bee-atch

Come on you all know the words
Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
She's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair
She's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
She's a stupid bitch
Kyle's mom's a bitch and she's just a dirty bitch

Talk to kids around the world and it might go a little bit somethin' like this

(petits chinois)
(petits français)
(Petits néerlandais)
(Petits africains)

Cartman : Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom
She's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world
She's a mean old bitch and she has stupid hair
She's a bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch

(Les enfants : Ooooh !)

Cartman : Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
She's stupid bitch

Stan : Uhh Cartman…

Cartman : Kyle's mom's a bitch and she's just a dirty bitch !
I really mean it Kyle's mom
She's a big fat stinky bitch !
Big old fat fucking bitch !
Kyle's mom, yeah ! chaaa !

Transcripteur : hre mgþýe
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Voir tous les commentaires

4 commentaires
ganounoutch Le 06/11/2016 à 22:17
je vous merde, et je rentre a ma maisooon
Doc Frank N. Stein Le 07/11/2016 à 20:56
Il me semble que c'est en Ré mineur.
hre mgbye Le 08/11/2016 à 07:35

DJDaubes Le 11/11/2016 à 12:26
A intégrer ans Bides Originaux de Films.

Extrait de "South Park, le film (Plus long, plus grand et pas coupé)".

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