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Jean Beauvoir - Feel the heat

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Titre : Feel the heat

Année : 1986

Auteurs compositeurs : Jean Beauvoir

Durée : 4 m 1 s

Label : Virgin ‎

Référence : 008 347

Présentation : Extrait de la bande originale du film "Cobra" de George P. Cosmatos avec Sylvester Stallone et Brigitte Nielsen.

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All along, we knew it wasn't right
We were standing sound, losing sight
Play a game that isn't fair
And your partner's left standing there

At least you know you dream alone
Sometimes feel your heart's made of stone
Have to try to move your chessmen right
But your feelings, you're still trying to fight
Then you start to
Feel the heat, feel the heat
As you feel the time is turning
Then your mind just starts to

Feel the heat, feel the heat
As you feel the time is turning
Then your mind just
Starts to feel the heat


Listen, confusion has a lonely game
Nothing answered, things left the same
If you still don't understand my stand
How can I explain to someone else

That I'm starting to
Feel the heat, feel the heat
As you feel the time is turning
Then your mind just starts to

Feel the heat, to feel the heat
As you feel the time is turning
Then your mind just starts

To feel the heat, yeah !


You feel that somehow
There's something wrong with your life
You feel that you're
Just not up for the fight

Should you hold your head
High as you can, come on
Bang bang, shoot em up
And not for all reality
But what about your dignity

Then you start
Feeling the heat, feel the heat
Come on and feel it

You feel the heat
Just feel the heat
You gotta feel the heat, yeah
Feel the heat, feel the heat

Transcripteur : scaracrabe
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Voir tous les commentaires

4 commentaires (dont 1 archivé)
scaracrabe Le 25/10/2016 à 12:11
Un film qui a de bonnes critiques sur "nanarland". ;)

sam2000 Le 11/07/2020 à 00:35
Une chanson culte des années 80.
virgulio Le 08/10/2023 à 20:37
Ça avait bien marché fin 86, genre 12e au Top 50 si j'ai bonne mémoire. Et Jean BEAUVOIR de rejoindre Desireless, Robert SMITH ou Pete BURNS dans nos souvenirs au rayon des coiffures délirantes de l'époque

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